Mobile in person and Remote Online - Notary Public - Lexington, Kentucky
Mobile in person and Remote Online - Notary Public - Lexington, Kentucky
Dear Veterans,
Those of us who have not served will never fully understand the sacrifices you've made both in times of peace and of war.
We will never fully understand what you were required to do or how you were able to do it.
We will never fully understand the depts of your scars.
But what we can offer is this:
We see you. We recognize your humanity. We send you Love that is gentle, patient and healing. With Blessings and Gratitude, we ask that you remember you are greatly appreciated and loved. THANK YOU!!
The Central Kentucky Concert Band is widely recognized as the premier, adult concert band in the Commonwealth, as well as one of the finest ensembles of its nature in the southeastern United States.
The Kentucky Colonels is an organization of talented and capable men and women appointed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky because of their service to the state. We act as the Governor’s ambassadors of Kentucky’s heritage and rich history of arts and entertainment.
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